
2014-02-12 12:53:01 | 编辑: 无 | 有2338人参与 | 来自: 匿名



口语第 6 题

Task 6-1

【讲座内容】关于市场广告,有两类消费者,一类喜欢看产品或者服务的  image,所以要把产品画得好看,要在  beach  那里加个  sunset,这类消费者就特有意境;另一类是看产品  work,对于这类消费者就适用问其他消费者的方式,将使用 后的结果描述出来获得这类消费者的信任。

Task 6-2

business network: a group of people join inone group, they meet and built up relationship,

friendship ,they can benefit from eachother’s expertise, which means share each other’s skill.


一:在一个  group  里的人互相  benefit。比如,一个  restaurant owner,她要找人 manager financial,然后她再  business network  里认识了一个  account,并且  trust  她,  她就可以直接雇佣那个朋友。

二:可以recommended  自己的圈外朋友。例子还是  restaurant owner,他认识其他的  owner  也想找  account,这个时候她就可以介绍  account  过去。

Task 6-3

提供  service 的商家如何让别人知道自己的服务好。举例朋友之前是painter,用两种 方法

客人知道他刷墙技术很好。一、statementfrom old customer,老客户写好评。二、 在工作室

挂上  before and after picture,作对比。

In retail commerce, the quality ofmerchandising means maximizing merchandise sales using

product testmonia(音), which means display that stimulates consumers would likely topurchase

more. For instance, my friend ismerchandise his work: paint work, but he had no customers for

quite a long time, after using thetestmonia(音)of his painting, hegot some business, and the

customers said his painting is careful andlong lasting, then more customers come in. besides, he

displayed the pictures which contains thecomparison of pained and unpainted things, many

people saw the pictures which a merchandiseattracts more potential customers.  


In retail commerce, the quality ofmerchandising means maximizing merchandise sales using

product testmonia, which means display thatstimulates consumers to purchase more. The

professor gives us one example, his friendis merchandising his work: paint work, but he had no

customers for quite a long time, afterusing the testmonia(音)of hispainting, he got some

business, and the customers said hispainting is careful and long lasting, then more customers

come in. besides, he displayed the pictureswhich contains the comparison of pained and

unpainted things, many people saw thepictures which a merchandise attracts more potential


Task 6-4

讲 irrigation(灌溉系统)的缺点:一是水量不好控制经常多,这样就促进了 disease的生长. 所以要小心设计.二是有些水盐分多,灌溉了之后土就不方便长农作物了.问题总结缺点。

Firstly, plant disease spread throughirrigation water is a serious problem caused innocently by

irrigation. Because the amount ofirrigation is difficult to control, the soil often soaked in

excessive water,  这样就促进了 disease的生长.所以要小心设计灌溉系统,控制水量

Secondly, some water contain excessivesalts, as a result, salinization is a major problem

associated with irrigation, becausedeposits of salts build up in the soil and can reach levels that

are harmful to crops.

Irrigation has some disadvantages.

First of all, since the amount ofirrigation is difficult to control, the soil often soaked in excessive

water, plant disease spread throughirrigation water pretty fast, which has caused serious


Second of all, we have ignored that somewater contain excessive salts and the deposits of salt in

the soil do harm to crops if they reach acertain level.

Task 6-5





Task 6-6



Task 6-7

children 的  social skills 是怎么培养的。

1. 3-4 岁的时候虽然在一起玩,但是是做不同的事。比如用  block  玩的时候,  有一个可能拼车,有的可能干其他的什么。

2. 5-6 岁的时候,孩子一起玩就是  corporation 了,比如玩  block  的 时候,很多人交谈,然后一起决定要怎么建这个房子。

Task 6-8

【讲课要点】:Archeologists usedifferent ways to decide the places where they should dig for

ancient artifacts.  

1. Surface feature of the land. E.g. NewZealand. It has a typical structure. High land? (New

Zealand have Giant step to the hill.)  

2. Plant: certain plants grow in certainplaces. E.g. Banana nuts tree were planted in Central

America. These trees continue reproduction.So archeologists find the place which has banana

nuts tree to dig.

Task 6-9

【讲座主旨】一种鸟到其他鸟巢里(hostbird  的巢里)产卵,其他鸟(host bird)有两种对策去防


【讲座例子】 第一是改变生活习惯,不让那种鸟接近 给的例子有种鸟当产蛋鸟过来时就改

变行为 花非常多的时间去保护他的巢,当产蛋鸟再接近时他就把鸟赶走。第二种是下特别的

蛋,有独特的大小和颜色, 下特别的蛋:有独特的大小和颜色,一眼就能和某鸟的蛋区分开,一


The listening materials talked about howbirds protect their own eggs. In the animal kingdom,

birds sometimes lay their eggs into otherbirds’ nest. In light of this, the original owner of the nest usually has twoways to tackle this phenomenon. First, they will not allow other birds comeclose to their nest. The example shows that the owner bird will change theirbehaviors. The second way, after the thief bird successfully lay their eggs inother birds’ nest, the birds will push the strange eggs out, and by using astrange egg to distinguish all eggs.

Task 6-10

biology,讲物种之间的竞争方式。动物用两种  barrier,来跟其他动物竞争食物

一种方式叫是  chemical 用化学物质来阻止别人,例子是某蚂蚁发现一种食物,搬不动,他得离开一会叫其他蚂蚁来帮忙,就会在食物旁喷一种化学物质,  别的蚂蚁会感到不适,无法忍受这个味道,所以他们不会想吃,只有自己的这种蚂蚁会没感觉,因此保留了资源。

第二种是物理方式  physical,另一种蚂蚁会直接在竞争者蚁穴和资源(食物)的道路上  gather 小石头(little stones)来  block  它们。

Task 6-11

【讲座内容】关于人类行为如何影响 nativefish。

第一,人类为了船运,连接了好多湖和海,引进了新鱼群,或大型的海鱼,有的会变成 native fish

的  predator,降低得  native fish的数量;


的湖水会带来更多的氧气,但是现在氧气减少了,native fish就会窒息而死。

Task 6-12

【讲座内容】商务经济类,关于  collect information forbusiness marketing  的  2  个方法,

第一是  quantity way, 例子是,一个  car manufacture, use  这个方法通过大量调查,发现没有孩了的客户购买量大,而有孩子的客户购买量小。

第二个方法是  opinion based 就是问卷调查之类的。之后该公司为了查明为什么有孩子的客户购买量小,就用该方 法  survey  问卷调查,发现是  car  的  back seat  有问题,孩子觉得不舒服。

Task 6-13




Task 6-14



Task 6-15


【讲课要点】生物学的。说在一个  tropical rainforest  里面生活  animal  都在  canopy  上飞 tree to tree  动物们为了  survive  独居,领地侵犯等,进化出两种  behavior:

【相关例子】第一种是  searching food alone, individually  因为这个地方的食 物很分散,group 一起找食物,就会不够吃。各自找会有  better chance  找到更多吃的。给了一例子  :猩猩  ape 都自己找食


说在一个rainforest  大家都在树上飞  tree to tree  动物们为了适应环境进化出两种 behavior

第一种是 searching foodalone


给了一例子:ape  他们都自己找食儿

第二种是用 sound  穿过厚厚的叶子树啊什么的来让别的兄弟知道要不然在树上飞啊飞的就会撞一起然后受伤

给了一个例子:说一种猴子  monkey 他们就能制造一种声音来保证自己不跟别人撞一起

In the lecture, the professor mainly talkedabout the behavior evolution developed in the process

of animals adjusting to rainforestcircumstance.

According to him, there are two kinds ofbehavior evolution. One is individual action, and the

other is sound production。

He uses two examples to illustrate thesetwo phenomena.  

In the first example, the apes looking forfood by themselves instead of group hunting. This

individual action makes sure of theirlivability.    

In the second example, in order to protectthemselves from injure, the apes use sound to inform

their own kind in the forest to avoid crushtogether.


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