口语第 3 题
Task 3-1
【公开信】一个学生写信给学校要求 cut parking area 教学楼旁边的理由:
2,减少污染,和 traffic
Task 3-2
关于学校 stop serving junk food in dining hall,男生不同意。一:这是没有必要的。学生已经很
健康了,学习完以后吃点零食是挺好的,尤其是 finishing paper 以后,女生说对啊, 比如
icecream 什么的。二:就算我们不在学校买也会到校外的 store 去买,而且更贵,根本就不省钱
Task 3-3
文章内容: 学校出公告要建一个 housing office foroff-campus.对话: 女生同意觉得很 好.原因:1)是 on-campus 的 dorm 已经 overcrowded 了.2)是新生不熟悉本地环境.这个 office 正好帮助他们.问总结女生观点。
School notice
Due to the recent suggestions raised by thestudents body, the university school board have
decided to build an off-campus housingoffice to meet the needs of the students who are living in
school designated accommodations offcampus. This decision was made after surveys suggested
that around 40% of the students live offcampus and the current on campus dormitories are filled
to capacity.
A: Have you heard the news?
B: What news are you talking about?
A: Well, the university is planning tobuild an off-campus housing office, because there are close
to half of the students that live offcampus because of the dormitories are overcrowded. What do
you think about the school’s decision?
B: I think it’s a great idea. It’s abouttime the school built an office to help the students that live off campus. Thedorms on the university campus are way too overcrowded. There isn’t enough
room for any new students to move in andevery year they are recruiting more and more new
A: Yes, I know what you mean; I had to moveoff campus because it was getting too crowded.
B: The other reason this is a good idea isbecause a lot of incoming freshman are living off
campus now, this new office can providethem with a better understanding of the university and
the news of events that are being heldwithin the school.
The university has decided to build anoff-campus housing office to meet the needs of the students who are living inschool accommodations off campus. This decision was made after surveyssuggested that around 40% of the students live off campus and the current oncampus dormitories are filled to capacity.
The students in the conversation agree withthe decision for the following two reasons. First of all, the dorms on theuniversity campus are too overcrowded and the university is recruiting more newstudents. Second of all, since the majority of freshmen are living of campusnow, this new office can provide the freshman with a better understanding ofthe university and the news of events that are being held within the school.
Task 3-4
关于停车场不够要改造停车场。有人建议多建停车场, 对话里头女的不同意。因为 1) 图书馆和食堂边上都可以停,而且走两步没什么问题。2)校园绿化本来就不多,所以不可 以把绿地改造成停车场。
Task 3-5
文章: 说要把一个 on campus 剧院关掉,移到外面的一个地方,这样的好处有:
1. 外面的剧院更大,就有更多的 人去。
2. 外面的 light 和 sound 系统更好。
听力: 男生不同意,说
1. 太远了,不方面,同学们不想去
2. 我们不是 PROFETIONAL 的,所以没有受训练,去用更好 SYSTEM 也许还更差。
Task 3-6
后引入 online tickets system
会,学校麦克风经常不 work。第二,online systems 也非常有效,能解决问题她自己很难找
In the set of materials, the reading partmentioned that the school’s hall needs to be renovated. And there are two waysof improving. One is to improve the stereo system; and another one is to
introduce the online tickets system.
The woman totally agreed with thisproposal. First, from her experience, it is really a giant
problem for the stereo system. Themicrophone often doesn’t work during the poem competition, which gave a badambiance for them. In addition, she believes the online system should be very
effective, which can easily solve theproblem. This is because the hall is quite far from the
classroom, not convenience. And sometimesthe queue was also quite long.
Task 3-7
【公开信】:一个学生提议禁止在学校中心骑自行车,尤其在楼与楼之间,因为很窄(sidewalk is narrow),对行人很不安全,如果发现要罚款。
【学生对话】:女生表示反对。一点是说其实很安全,因为骑车的人很 responsible 和小心。
另 外一点好像是专门请个人来看是否有人违规,太浪费资源和时间(waste ofresource and
time, if they bring security guard to takecare of them.)。
Task 3-8
【公开信】有个人写信给学校,说 student directory(collegedirectory that has all the contact
information of students.) 可以两个方面改进:1. 加照片(Add photos ofstudents)2. 制作一个网上在线浏览的版本(Put the directory on the internet)。
1. some students may have the same name,photo helps students to find the right person. 因为上礼拜我用 student directory 找个人忘了他的 last name,结果打错了各种囧,有照片就不会;还有在线浏览好啊,
2. Some students can’t find the directory. 很多人一开学就 displace 了那本小书,有了在线版就啥时候都能看 见了。(It is easy for students to find these information if there areelectronic
version of the directory available online.)
Task 3-9
Task 3-10
学校打算新开一门课程,教学生如何写 project 和 thesis,并强制学生参加
一、他本身不会写 thesis,他心理学的一个 project 修改了两次才最后通过,这个课程对他很有用
三、也可以看到别的学生的错误,下次再自己的 project 里面避免类似错误。
Task 3-11
阅读说学校有新规定,跷课 4 次以上要给很低的分。听力:女学生说没意思,反正我最多只逃
2 到 3 次。男学生也说没意思,反正每个教授都有自己的规定,学校的规定不会有影响。
Task 3-12
学校 policy 让所有大一新生明年统一搬到 baxter dormitory,其他年级的搬到其他宿舍,原因是这样更有利于大一 学生在一起,经历同样问题可以一起商量解决,更好度过大一。
1. 结合他自己 经历,当年他大一小屁孩一个碰到问题没人问很郁闷,现在他想小娃子聚到
2. 某女问他那你不得搬家到其他宿舍吗,他说不要紧我搬到个更新的宿舍地儿更大可以放
Task 3-13
【学校通知】“Lounge forcommuter students” 学校新增加的一个政策,为了 open a lounge for commuter students, who notlive in the dormitory, to socialize and relax. Have a bulletin board to shareinformation
【学生对话】 然后是两个学生的讨论,主要是女生再说这个 idea 的好处都有哪些,问题是该女生是怎样支持学校的这一举动。女生很支持.
a.第一点: 觉得 lounge 对学生很重要,当他们一年级的时候,在 lounge 待很久,比如看电视或者 study break. 可以 meet many people,她就遇到了对写作业很有帮助的人.
b.第二点:那个通知栏方便学生信息共享,还可以省钱,主要是 car-ride, 因为学生可以拼车上学。
Task 3-14
是缓解校园停车场 的压力。
非但不能缓 解停车场的压力,反而会因为更多的学生住校带来更多的长时间霸占车位的现
Task 3-15
【公开信】a letter from astudent: Student writing center is crowded.
1. hire more tutors (currently there areonly 2)
2. open on weekends (currently only openfrom Monday to Friday)
【对话观点】girl studentagrees
【1】student would not need to wait for a long time with more tutors
【2】student usually have free schedule in weekends because they have noclass on weekends
unless they have to work, then there willbe less people in weekdays
Reading: a letter from a student: studentwriting center is crowded;
Suggestion: 1. hire moretutors(current 2); 2. open on weekends(currently only M-F)
woman : agree
1. student would not need to wait for along time with more tutors
2. student usually have free schedule inweekends because they have no class on weekends unless they have to work, then there will be lesspeople in weekdays
Dear Editor,
I am writing on behalf of a number ofconcerned students and faculty members. The concern is
regarding the university writing center.The center is too crowded and it has become impossible to make arrangements fortutoring, I hope the writing center can hire additional tutors to help thestudents in need and also open on the weekends so students will have moreopportunities to utilize the center.
A: Did you hear the news?
B: What news?
A: A student wrote a letter of suggestionto the university paper about the writing center
mentioning it was too crowded.
B: Yes I read the letter.
A: What do you think?
B: I think it’s a great idea. Many of thestudents really need help with their writing, because their
grade and performance in class depends onit. If the center could hire more tutors it would really
make the wait a lot shorter for thestudents.
A: That’s true.
B: Also, most of the students have noclasses on the weekends, unless they have to work. But in
general the students would have more freetime on their hands in the weekend, this way they can get the tutoring theyneed without worrying about it conflicting with other activities.
In the reading passage, the author proposeda suggestion that the university should hire
more tutors as well as expand the openinghours of the tutoring center. In the conversation,
the man supported this suggestion for thefollowing reasons.
First, as the author said, the reason forthis suggestion was that the tutoring center had been
so crowded that it was really difficult tomake an appointment now. According to the man,
according to the man, this was a great ideabecause some students really need someone to
help them with their writing. And thispolicy made their waiting time a lot shorter.
Also, as the author said, another advantageof this suggestion was that it would give students
more opportunities to use the center. Theman agreed this idea by stating that since students
would be freer on the weekend, they wouldbe able to get the tutoring without worrying
about that their other activities would beaffected.