
2014-02-12 12:51:43 | 编辑: 无 | 有2728人参与 | 来自: 匿名



口语第 4 题

Task 4-1

动物为生存,会有什么  allocation。容易找到食物的话,动物就花少的精力和时间;不容易就花



的。但是他们要花很多精力和时间来找  location。一是吸引异性,繁殖,二是要占领一个领域,赶走其他的  seal。三是要保护他领地的其他  male seal


For surviving purpose, animals are weighingthe pros and cons of their energy allocation

consciously. If animals spend their energymore on foraging, they would leave less time and

energy on reproduction, and vice versa ifthey focus much on reproduction, they would pay less

attention on foraging for food.  


Today we are discussing animal behavior.when animals face complex environment, they have to

think about their energy allocation. Takeseal for instance, they are easy to find food, because there a lot of fish inthe sea, as a result, seal doesn’t need too much time and energy foraging forfood.

However, seal spend much time foraging fortheir location. For the first reason, they find the

location to attract their potential matefor reproduction, for the second reason, they occupy their

territory in order to drive other sealsaway, for the third reason, the seal need a territory to protect other maleseal follows.  

The reading passage introduces a phenomenonof animals’ energy distribution. For example, the

more energy has been used to search forfood, the less that left behind could be spent on other

things, such as reproduction.In thelecture, the speaker uses detailed information to reinforce the

idea in the reading passage.  

He uses seal’s example to point out thatseal spend more energy foraging for their locations than

for food.  

One reason the speaker gives is that themale seals can draw the females’ attention by finding their location.

Moreover, if a seal has seized a location,it can expel other individuals.

Finally, seal necessitates territory tosafeguard their fellows.

Task 4-2

动物的利他主义:benefic otheranimals, but reduce the chance of survival。一种生 活在加州的

动物松鼠,它的主要敌人是  mountain lion.尤其是吃母的。当她发现有危险?时候 会发生一种高  pitch  的  calling  来警告同伴赶紧逃跑,但是他的  calling 会引来  lion,因此自己很可能被吃掉,她牺牲了自己逃走的机会,但是给同伴留了生路,尤其是  family member  在附近的时候

Task 4-3

动物有时候会发出假的警报,赶走同类,减少  competition。举例,猴子在有豹子出现的时候,发出警报叫声,其他猴子听到会逃到树上去。但是有人发现一猴子找到了一堆水果, 发出警报,其他猴子都逃走了。其实没有豹子出现,发现水果的猴子自己在独享水果。


the term alarm call is a type of animalcommunication, an alarm call is referring to various signals

emitted by social animals in response todanger or other situation.  


The alarm call made by monkeys providesclues for two possibilities. The first is, a monkey

elaborate alarm calls for warning of theapproaching predators, and the relevant research in done

based on a group of monkeys, once a moneymade scratching noise for the show up of a leopard,

and all the monkeys ran away. Another typeof alarm call made by monkeys is a signal for eating,

one time, a money made scratching noiseagain, however, the scientists can not find any leopard,

and finally, they found that the monkey iseating alone in another place, and the sound, is a signal

for eating.

An alarm call is refers to an animalcommunication. It’s various signals emitted by social animals

in response to danger or othersituation.  

The professor in the lecture provides uswith two examples to illustrate the alarm call. The

research is done on monkeys. First, monkeysmake alarm call when they find predators

approaching, such as a leopard. They makethis sound in order to warn other monkey to run away

from dangers. Second, scientists find thatmonkeys make scratching noise when they are eating.

Task 4-4

business class  讲  lateral view(侧面观点).就是从一个新的观点来看问题.  对话里的教授举了一个例子:一个经营宾馆的人老遭到顾客抱怨说等电梯时间太长.然后经理先去找了电梯生产商,发现解决问题成本太高.然后他的员工给他提意见说可以在电梯前 装个电视,顾客就不觉得无聊了.问题让你用这个例子来说明  lateral view.

In today’s class we are going to discuss indetail the process of lateral view. Lateral view is the

process of analyzing a situation from otherperspectives. In many situations we fail to see the

whole picture, thus we aren’t not able tocome to the best solution when encountered with a

problem. This process can be avoided withmore practice of lateral view. I’ll provide the class with

an example of this process. My brother whomanages a hotel often received complaints that the

main elevator was too slow, the patrons hadto wait too long for it. So my brother went to consult

the elevator manufacturers and see if therewere any ways of speeding up the elevator.

Unfortunately the price was too high tomake the necessary improvements. During this time a

member of the hotel staff suggested that heshould place a television in front of the elevator that

way the patrons won’t think the wait is solong anymore.

The professor in the lecture talks aboutthe process of lateral which is the process of analyzing a

situation from other perspective. If we canchange the original idea and see the whole picture, we might find a bettersolution to solve the problem. For example, the professor’s brother has

received a lot of complaints that the speedof the elevator in his hotel is too slow. In order to solve the problem, hetried to ask the manufacturers to increase the speed, only to find the pricewas too high to make such improvement. Later he adopted his employee’s adviceto put a television in elevator so that the patrons would forget the time. Thisexample shows that analyzing the problem in other perspective can make us tofind a better solution.

Task 4-5

讲  demand shifting。Two strategies of demand shift reduce the peak-peakdemanding;increase the   poor-peak demanding.教授举例说他的一个在洛杉矶的朋友开了一家餐馆,这个餐馆在晚上 7-9  点之间,人声鼎沸,很少有位置。有些顾客愿意等位置,但 很多人都不想等而是换其它地方吃饭。于是,教授的朋友就  creat a new deal。对于  7 点之前吃饭的顾客就免费提供 dessert。



Task 4-6

Adaptive reuse:  


听力:  老师介绍 说原来他们要建一个  CONCERT hall, use achocolate factory  来改造,说这


Task 4-7

【名词解释】 Insight learning。在观察周围情况后,动物能相处解决问题的方案。这就是  insight learning。

【教授举例】 :  举例大猩猩(Chimpanzee)如何获取食物的例子来进一步阐述这个理论和概念。香蕉在很高的天花板上(top of its cage)  挂着,猩猩第一反应是跳起来去取,一次两次甚至三次,太高取不到会失望和沮丧。Then it giveup and sit down for awhile,  经过思考,他发现屋里有 box,于是他拿来一个  box  垫在自己脚下再去取,还是不够高,他又拿另外一个  Box,(use box on top of otherboxes)直到盒子的高度足以让他取到香蕉。

Task 4-8

【名词解释】一种商业竞争策略  fighting brand。大公司推出价格便宜的子品牌跟小公司竞


【讲座举例】听力中例子 company A生产 digital camera,口碑很好,大家都乐意买。有小

公司 B生产similar digital camera,但是价格便宜,大家觉得这也是个不错的 deal。大公司

司  A 为了保住市场份额,推出一个牌子,价钱便宜质量一般,跟  B  公司竞争。因为人们对公司  A 公司熟悉所以买公司  A 子品牌的东西,逐渐不买公司  B 的。

In the set of materials, the readingpassage mentioned the term of fighting brand. It says that the

grand company releases cheap branch brands,which compete with other small companies.  

In the listening passage, the company Aproduce the digital cameras, and there is another small

company B which produce the similar digitalcamera, and in a cheap price. In light of this, a

strategy which comes off the top of thecompany’s head is that they release a brand. The products of this brand werevery reasonable and cheap. And because the popularity of brand A, people tendto purchase A rather than B.

Task 4-9

【名词解释:peer reinforcement】说的是如果有同学不守纪律不按规则办事,老师不批评他而

是表扬做的好的同学,  然后那个不守纪律的同学就自觉做好了。


友  Sarah  不干了,然后老师表扬另外一个放得特别好的小朋友  Paul(说  I really like your way  to clean up your toys),然后  Sarah  就自觉放好了。

Task 4-10

关于植物的自我保护。教授举了近期的  experiment:先是把一种植物的  branch  给  cut  了,是为了模拟被虫吃。然后测到它放的一种化学物质。然后测它周围的植物,它们放了另一种化学物质让昆虫远离。

Task 4-11

关于  kinesthetic (运动觉的)learning

【名词解释】 kinestheticlearning  就是一种不同于传统方法的教学方法,  让学生们参与,寓教于乐的方法(大概意思,不是原文翻译)

【讲座内容】就  1 个例子,南教授,以前给小学生  (elementary school)讲课,叫他们  how to tell time.他先是用老方法,自己拿个图表  (跟定是拿东西演示,是不是图 表忘了)教他们如何看时间,他发现学生觉得很无聊。  之后他就,拿张纸,在上边画个表的外框,让一个同学拿着这 个外框装钟表,另一个同学用手臂当表的指针(the handsof the clock).  以这种  game  的方法使教学有趣,有效

Task 4-12



【讲座内容】lecture  举例是说一个公交车,某女士先后遇到两个读书的乘客。

对第一个,男同志的判断是一个正在做  paper  的学生

对第二个 woman乘客的判断是什么(想不起来了)

Task 4-13

【名词解释】dormancy  这一概念,阅读材料讲到冬眠的涵义:帮助渡过恶劣环境;降低自身生


【讲座内容】听力材料里  professor 讲述了一个肺鱼的例子:在河水干涸之后鱼就躲在河床上之前就打好的洞里,这样一方面可 以隔热、保湿,另一方面可以降低呼吸、心跳频率。

Task 4-14

【名词解释】Generation effect:customers would remember the name of products if they generate themselves  


Lecture: a research demonstrate thistheory. Two commercials for a soft drink

First: repeat the name and characteristicsof the drink several times, but in later interview most

people forgot the name; Second, same as thefirst one, but ends with a question: What is the name of the soft drink? Thennearly all people could name it later.

Reading: Generation effect: customers wouldremember th name of products if they generate


Lecture: a research demonstrate this theorytwo commercials for a soft drink  

First: repeat the name and characteristicsof the drink several times, but in later interview most

people forgot the name; Second, same as thefirst one, but ends with a question: What is the name of the soft drink? Thennearly all people could name it later.


Generation effect refers to the robustfinding that information will be better remembered if it is

generated rather than simply read. Whenapplied in commerce, generation effect means that

customers would remember the name ofproducts if they generate themselves


Good morning, everyone. Today, I am goingto talk about the generation effect, which is usually

achieved in cognitive psychologyexperiments where participants are asked to generate words

from word fragments. Also, there is anotherresearch demonstrating this theory interestingly.

To market a soft drink and drive its sales,two TV commercials are produced: in the first

commercial, the name and thecharacteristics of the drink are repeated over and over again, and in thesecond commercial, everything is just the same besides a special ending isadded to it—the

commercial ends up with a question “What isthe name of the soft drink”.

When comparing effects of two commercials,we could get a interesting conclusion: the second

commercial is more impressive because mostpeople who have watched the second one could

name the product which forms a sharpcontrast to the fact that almost no one remember the

product name after watching the firstcommercial.

The article is about generation effect,which means information will be better remembered if

it is generated rather than simply read.

The professor illustrates the topic by thefollowing examples.

Firstly, two commercials are produced tomarket a soft drink. One commercial is repeating

the name and the characteristics of thedrink over and over again. In the in the second

commercial, everything is just the sameexcept a special ending is added to it—“What is the

name of the soft drink”.

Afterwards, we can get a conclusion thatthe second the second commercial is more

impressive because most people who havewatched the second one could name the product

which forms a sharp memory rather than thefirst fairly unimpressive one.

Based on the above examples, the professordemonstrates the generation effect clearly.

Task 4-15

reading 里讲一个概念  adjustable group size。是说对于种群来说有个合适种群规模。lecture

里面教授举例解释这 个概念。例子讲狒狒  baboon  外出觅食时一般一大堆聚在一起,可以防狮子,说明有时候数量大好。但教授又说,食物 短缺时,一大群就不好了,不如分成小群,更容易吃饱。  

Creatures of all shapes and sizes have theability to maintain a social structure that is efficient for

its purpose. Not only does humans have thisskill, even animals have shown to possess it. This

skill allows the animals to regulate thegroup size in relation to the purpose of it. In circumstances

where a large group would be necessary theanimals would gather together, while in other

instances where a large group would seemineffective the pack tends to break off into smaller

groups to complete their tasks.

In this lecture we are going to discuss theself maintaining ability of animals. Within the animal

kingdom its members much like humans haveto the ability to regulate itself. In certain occasions

animals would control and limit the size oftheir group to an accurate number. In other

circumstances the size of these groupswould adjusted to fit the need of the situation, such as to

protect itself from external threats or togather resources. The Mountain Gorilla of Africa is one

such example of this type of animal. Whenthey rest at night, the Mountain Gorilla gathers in a

group totaling around 100. The number isgenerally maintained to this number, in order to guard

from the attacks of other animals. Thisnumber would be different in the day time; during the day

the Gorillas would be separated intosmaller groups and head to different areas in order to gather

resources. A large number would not beefficient in this case, so the group would be separated.  

The reading passage introduces a definitionphenomenon that animals have the ability to maintain a social structure that isefficient for its purpose. In other words, some animals can regulate theirgroup sizes according to different purposes.  

In the lecture, the professor mainly talkedabout detailed explanation of the phenomenon, and he says that in certainoccasions animals would control and limit the size of their group to anaccurate number. For illustration, the professor gives one example in hisspeech. According to the professor, the Mountain Gorilla of Africa gathers in agroup totaling around 100 when they rest at night. The number is generallymaintained to this number, in order to guard from the attacks of other animals.

This number would be different in the daytime. On the other hand, during the day the Gorillas

would be separated into smaller groups andhead to different areas in order to gather resources,

because a large number would not beefficient in this case. So the group would be separated.


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