
2014-02-12 12:52:20 | 编辑: 无 | 有2465人参与 | 来自: 匿名



口语第 5 题

Task 5-1

对话,女生对文学课不满,虽然她很喜欢教授。但是这门课的  TA  很聒噪,罗嗦。不停 说。学生都没机会表达自己的看法策略:女生告诉教授这个情况,然后教授可以告诉  TA。但是这样可能导致  TA  丢工作女生 可以  drop  这门课,下学期再选,避开这个  TA。

Woman: you know what? I’ve got a bigproblem in my literature class.  

Wan: really? Tell me about it.  

Woman: I don’t really like the class, eventhough I like the professor pretty much, the Teaching

assistant is…you know, when she gives thelecture, she talked excessively with out necessary, we

don’t even have a chance to express ouropinion or ask question.  

Man: well, you can just tell the professorhow you feel, then he can then tell his teaching

assistance about your opinion.  

Woman: that sounds reasonable, but you knowthat would make the poor girl loose her job, I don’t want to be a bad guy.

Man: ok, or maybe you can drop this classand sign in next semester, then you can avoid this

teaching assistant.  

The woman’s problem is that she does notlike the teaching assistant in the literature class.

Because the TA never gives them anyopportunity to ask questions or express their opinions.  

The man proposes two possible solutions tosettle her problem. One is that she can go to talk about this trouble with theliterature professor. The other suggestion is of dropping the course andregistering next semester.

Well, from my point of view, I would takethe first solution, because, for me, I hope to harvest a

large number of knowledge withoutsacrificing my own time and energy. If I have dropped the

course, then I have had dedicated moreenergy to selecting other courses to instead of this.  

Task 5-2

男生要搬新  apartment,但是那里面已经有家具了,他的家具没有地方放。他只租这个

apartment 一年女生:一,把家具  store  起来,但是  store  也有费用。二。selling。还可以得钱,但是他明年搬家了还要用家具

Task 5-3

男生要写一篇关于一首诗的  paper。有那首诗的书在图书馆里,已经关门了。方法一,  明天早早起来写。方法二宿舍有其他诗的书,可以写别的诗,但他觉得不如之前选的那首有意思。

Man: I’ve got a big problem in my poemassignment.  

Woman: really? Tell me about it.  

Man: I need to write a paper referringpoem, and I’ve found an ideal book in the library for

reference. But I hang out with my friendsfor a whole day and forget to borrow the book, when a

back to school, the library had alreadyclosed because today is Sunday. The problem is, I had to

submit the paper by next day.  

Woman: well, maybe you can find anotherpoem book instead of this one.

Man: I don’t thinks I can make it. The bookis the only one worth reading as a poem criticism.  

Woman: well then, maybe you can go to thelibrary earlier next morning and read quickly, because not too much timeleft.  

The man in the conversation met a problemthat she forgot to borrow an ideal book for her paper

in poem class from the library, and whenshe went back, the library was closed. However she has

to submit her paper by next day.  

The woman gives him two suggestions. First,he can find another poem book instead of that one,

and the second suggestion is that he can goto the library earlier next morning and read quickly.

I prefer the second suggestion because, ifthe man goes to the library earlier, he can finish his

paper in time. However, if he adopts thefirst suggestion, the alternative book might not be


Task 5-4

一个女生的笔记本电脑坏了,修不好.里面有期末考试的复习文件.两个建议:一个选择 是

rent 电脑.但是她觉得太贵了不值.另一个选择是和  roommate 共用,就是需要  arrange the schedule.问你推荐哪个建议?

A: Are you ok? You look really worried.

B: I have a very serious problem. Mycomputer just suddenly broke; no matter what I do I can’t

get it started. The worst part is my finalexam study materials are inside the computer.

A: That’s terrible; there are only twosolutions available in this situation. The first is to rent a

computer; there are many computer storesthat have this type of service if you are urgent.

B: That’s a good idea, but I just don’thave the money to rent one, I’m already on a tight budget as it is.

A: If that’s the case the only othersolution is to borrow your roommate or friends computer. The

problem is everyone is going to study forthe final exams soon so you might have to arrange a

schedule with your roommate or friend.

The student in the conversation encountereda problem that his/her computer just broke. His/her exam study materials are inside it. The other student giveshim/her two suggestions. The first is to rent a computer and the second is toborrow his/her roommate’s or friend’s computer. I prefer the first suggestionbecause first of all, a lot of places can provide this kind of service. It’spretty convenient and fast. And second all, everybody is preparing for theirfinal exam, we might disturb others if we borrow their computers.

Task 5-5




Task 5-6

【学生困难】:女生的问题是  paper  明天  due,她基本上写完了,但不知道现在(this afternoon)交作业好还是晚上改一下明天交好(because the professor sent email thatstudents can delay to send paper until tomorrow morning.)。

【解决方案】 :方案 1:现在交可以解脱了,并且还可以和朋友们出去玩(X晚上她要见一位很好的朋友,她们很久没见了,她很 想跟这为朋友一起玩.)。方案  2:明天交可以再改改,争取好成绩(put another data,such as, graph, which help paper better than now.)。


Task 5-7

【学生困难】:女生  took 6 classes this semesterand she was selected to the women's basketball team。平时篮球训练占用了她  太多的学习时间。


1:to quit the basketball team, since ittakes too much time。男生 说她  got in the team after

several times of application,放弃了很  shameful。男生说出方案  

2:to drop some classes which are not soimportant。反正也不是  required classes。但女生说  good scores in extra classesmay make her competitive to attend a graduate school。

Task 5-8

【学生问题】一个男生在读研(master’s degree),同时做助教,然后  professor  要出差去开会,会 Miss掉一课,  希望这个男生能在这节课上代替自己做一个  lecture,但是只有2天够他准备。问题是他还有个很重要的关系到  final grade 的 paper 没写  

【解决方法】1. 教授  cancel  那节课,但是如果能做个  lecture 真的对自己来说是个

opportunity,不去有点可惜。2.备课,paper  很可能写不完,延期交  paper。

Task 5-9


【解决建议】方案  1:搬到其他  dorm。这个立刻可以搬问题除了噪音之外他非常喜欢现在 住的地方  有很多好朋友,离图书馆非常近。方案  2:搬到其他房间(同楼的另一间远离楼梯的 宿舍) ,不离开这个  dorm,问题是要等到学期末

In the listening materials, the speaker hasbeen facing a problem. The reason is that the place

where he lives is quite close to thestairs. He cannot fall asleep because of the noise. Also, it is

hard to focus in the class. There are twosolutions, first, he can move to other dorms, and he can

move out immediately. However, the problemis that he loves to live in the place, because he has

lots of intimate friends here, and it’squite close to the library. The second solution is to move to

other rooms, and still in this dorm. Inthis case, he has to wait until the end of this semester. I

personally believe the first one is better;the reason is because he can ASAP get rid of his

embarrassment situation.

Task 5-10


要么书店订下周才有,但是这周三节课要没书上,而教授又布置很多  reading assignment;



Task 5-11

【学生问题】一哥们碰到问题,他想看晚上的演唱会,又想参加一个  Play。


第一个是先去看演唱会,晚点儿去 play。

第二个是今天去演唱会,第二天去  play,但第二天的  play效果没第一个好,他会有点失望

Task 5-12




Task 5-13

只记得解决方法一个是  resign,但是不是很负责很难找到一个合适的  editor,第二个是在暑假上课,但是约好了和朋友玩,上课的话太扫朋友兴了

回忆  2:两个人对话,男的课外做一些  newspaper 的事,怕自己和下学期  major course  不能做好,想辞掉工作又觉得可惜,女的建议可以把课放到假期,男的假期和朋友约好旅行特别想去,结果记不太清了报纸的

Task 5-14

男孩本来在  school book store  兼职,可是  back  伤了。两个选择:1,还在  book store,但是做 cashier  收钱。2,去干别的,比如去学校  cafeteria  刷碗。在  book store  吧,时间冲突,早上他要去物理学习小组,因 为这个学习小组让他的物理进步很大,他不能不去。在餐厅刷碗吧,时间很自由,但是不在  book store  他买  text book  就木有折扣了。

A: What’s wrong with your back? It lookslike you are hurt.  

B: I hurt it yesterday. I was trying tomove a large pile of books from the storage to the book

shelves. I didn’t expect the books to be that heavy and when I moved it I hurt myback. I really

want to change a job, but I have a bigproblem.  

A: What’s wrong?

B: Well, I really want to change a job, butthere aren’t that many choices to choose from. I could stay at the bookstore and be a cashier, but the time would be alittle different, but it would be the same time as my study meeting and I don’twant to miss any of them, I am already having a tough time in class.

A: Well, if that’s the case, I heard thereis a dishwasher job available in the cafeteria.

B: I know about that job, but the biggestproblem with that job is the wage is too low. I don’t

have that much money, if the pay is too lowI won’t be able to pay for my living expenses.

In the conversation, the man has a problem.His back got hurt while moving books and he's

considering to change a job. But hischoices are limited. He has only two alternatives.  

The first one is that he can stay at thebookstore and be a cashier. The second one is that he can

take the position of a dishwasher in thecafeteria.  

Personally speaking, I would rather adoptthe second solution if I were the man for the following

two reasons. First, if the man takes thejob vacancy as a dishwasher in the cafe, he will not have to face the timeconflict between working and studying. He won't miss any class which also costhim much money. Although the wage for the dishwasher is relatively lower, hecan also take some measure to solve the problem, such as moving to a cheaperapartment.  

Task 5-15

有个 guest speaker 在学校里有个 lecture,讲 journal的。女生想去听,但是不行,因为:第一:她有图书馆的 part-time job。虽然 boss mightbe easy,但是她上周才 stop,所以不好这么频繁的请加。第二:她可以事后借 video tape来看,但是缺点在于不能与speaker 直接沟通问问题。


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