
2014-07-09 15:32:15 | 编辑: 无 | 有1104人参与 | 来自: 匿名



Q1:  有一大堆事情要做,该怎么办
Q2: 喜欢去city还是countryside度假
Q3: 图书馆的furniture旧了,换新的,原因一:舒服 原因二:吸引更多人来图书馆

Q4:教授给儿子买积木。儿子第一次玩Stack a tower。 积木fell down he called his father for help。
儿子played the blocks everyday and everytime his blocks fell down he will call his father。教授故意stay longer day by day than before。儿子在等他爸爸的时间里学会自己搭积木。
Q5: 问题: 女生在图书馆写历史paper被人打扰了
Solution 1: 跟图书管理员report,但是害怕被告发的人being mad以致于自己in trouble。
Solution 2: 换个地方。但是她所在的区域有她写paper要用的参考书籍,换个地方的话取阅书籍会有困难。

Q6: 以dinner为例子阐述两种theater对观众的不同。在theater里,一种是player表现的观众不存在,比如在吃饭,那就认认真真的在吃饭,和下面没有交流。一种style是player意识到观众的存在,还是比如在吃饭,player可能问下面观众 food smell good?甚至invite audience to join them

Q1:What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.

I believe it is crucial to have a well prepared plan ahead of a heavy workload. First, a good plan guides the whole process of getting the work done. A heavy workload means various works and there is supposed to be some major work as well as minor ones. It is logical to focus on major ones while to finish the minor ones later. Another advantage of a good plan is that it promotes a habit of excellence in handling works. Once we decide to plan everything before we actually do it. It will teach us to follow a structured way and it will benefit our task handling ability. I used to do math recklessly but after my talk with my math teacher, I put the formula down on the scratch paper and follow the formula of effectively score strategies for math.

Q2: Some people prefer to take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which do you prefer and why.

I prefer to take the vacation in cities for following reasons. First, there are so much more to do in a city comparing to being in the countryside. In a city, I will never run out of fun activities to do. For example, I can visit museums and watch movies or do shopping. The things we get to do in the countryside are pretty limited. Second, I do not drive. It is easier for me to get around in a city because there are buses and subways as well as taxi. In a big city like New York, it is convenient to ride the subway which makes it possible for me to visit the major interests in the city by subway.



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