
2014-02-12 12:48:36 | 编辑: 无 | 有1538人参与 | 来自: 匿名



口语第 1 题

1. Describe an activity that you enjoydoing together with your family. Explain why. Please

include reasons and details in yourresponse.  

2.Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. Explain howthis person influenced

your life. Include details and examples tosupport your response.

3. Describe a most unforgettable success inyour life. Explain why it was important to you.

Include reasons and examples to supportyour response.

4. What are the benefits of talking toolder family members?

I personally believe there are two mainbenefits of talking older family members.  

First, elders have profound livingexperience. Just imaging when you don’t know how to cook a

decent crispy beef fillet, your olderfamily members can solve the problem with only one or two

simple techniques.  

In addition, you can also acquire sometechniques when you talk to older family members. For

example, when I was a child, my grandfatheroften told me that there is a battle between cold and hot element, which meansdon’t put boiled water in a cold glasses. So I remembered.  

5. Choose ONE of the forms of thetechnology in the list and tell why it has great impact on

people's lives in your ? Airplane, computeror television. Use specific reasons and examples

to support your response.

6. Among the following three types of work,which would you enjoy doing the most? Helping

children with communication problems, doingcommunity work, growing plants in the


7. Which challenge in the list do you thinkis the most difficulties for the university students?

Being far away from families, finding timeto relax, making new friends.

8. Is it a good idea to keep a pet such asa dog or a cat? What can you benefit from such an


9. What suggestions would you give to yourfriend who wants to improve his/her scores in


10. Describe a historical event that you’reinterested in most. Explain why you are interested

in it and want to know more about it.Include reasons and examples to support your



11. What kind of activity do you enjoyingdoing most at school? Explain why you enjoy

doing this activity.

Among all of the after-school activities Ienjoy/am interested in Cheering Squad the most, even

it’s a pretty new activity in China. Thereare three main reasons why I enjoy it. Firstly, to be a

cheerleader is the dream of every girl evenif the practices are long and hard. Secondly, this

activity is a perfect example of awell-balanced combination of dance and athletics, so not only do students canstay in shape, but also express their individual creativity. Thirdly,participating in this activity can develop a sense of team-spirit, because itis necessary for students to learn how to co-operate with each other in orderto provide the audience with the best possible performance. Those are thereasons why I enjoy this activity the most. I really hope to Participate in theinternational competition one day through my hard work.  

12. Our society is now facing very seriousenvironment problems. Choose one approach that

you believe to be useful to save ourplanet.  

13.  描述Mystery, science fiction, biography 三类书中你最不喜欢哪类?why?

14. Is it a good idea to keep a pet such asa dog or a cat? What can you benefit from such an


15.  有个group要保护环境,你能提供哪些建议?


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