
2014-11-26 11:59:39 | 编辑: 无 | 有1331人参与 | 来自: 匿名















Sample Answer

 Personally speaking,I do believe that robots have significant influence on our lives . Let me give you an example .If you get drunk ,it would be dangerous for you to drive on the highway .However ,the robot would eliminate road deaths from drunk and distracted driving because they have artificially intelligent systems and the potential to improve safety and boost productivity.Probably in the near future people gonna have their own robots to help them to do the most unpleasant jobs .Besides ,it would not be difficult for robot to do the same thing as a person .and they can do the simple jobs over again and again because they will not get bored .If an earthquake happens ,robots could help us to look for people under buildings .I do think it’s great .
  Therefore, I do believe robots will influence our lives .











Sample Answer

  I do think that we should read the book step by step .Cause the superficial knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all. That means a little knowledge is a dangerous thing。 Let me give you an example :when I was a college student ,I read books occasionally ,and just scanned the books that I had read ,whenever I was asked to express my perspectives about the books ,I didn’t even have a clue about the things they were talking about .No doubt that little knowledge which thinks itself to be a dangerous, as it certainly is a most ridiculous thing.But we are constantly being told to concern ourselves with scanning what is important, and not to waste our energies  upon what is insignificant. I am considering knowledge, recollect, as it ministers to enjoyment,but not just scan it, and from this point of view each unit of information is obviously of importance in proportion as it increases the general sum of enjoyment which I obtain from knowledge.
   Therefore,we should read books step by step .










 The woman disagrees:


解析(Sample Note)

 The university announces that they will cancel the art center’s fee and give the discount for students in order to get more benefit s for them .The woman in the conversation thinks the plan is not worktable . First of all, she thinks that most of the money is not coming from the students ,it is other community’s people who gave out the money also,she mentions that as an art student it is a must thing to see the art display .if the university cancel the fees and give students any discounts ,it would be a burden for the university itself .There ,she disagrees with the university’s decision .









解析(Sample Note)



Sample Answer

 The woman’s problem it that she would like to take part in school’s soccer team but at the same time she has got six classes to attend ,and she would like to have a great score in her study .she has two solutions .Firstly ,she could quit the soccer team,but the man tells her not to quit it .she could cancel her several courses . If I were her ,I would like to take the first solution .Playing soccer in her school’s team is always her dream otherwise she quit long time ago .Playing in the school’s soccer team is also a better way to expand her circle of friends ,which is good fir her future development .Also ,she could ask her team members to help her with her courses at school .So she doesn’t have to cancel her course at school .






解析(Sample Note)



Sample Answer

 The professor talks about the benefits of flooding for the agriculture .one is that the flooding brings a layer of mud to the land which is beneficial for fertile soil, and it makes the land more suitable for crop growth .People began to realize the importance of flood brings to us .and they started to make full use of it .Gradually they started to control the flooding .First of all ,they would like to construct walls in order to restore the water .which means farmers could flow the water to the place where water is needed for the crops .



 我们知道在第六题中我们通常会遇到一些专业词汇,一些学生通常对于听力中出现的一些专业术语的发音感到不知所措,甚至是不会说,其实很简单只要相对应的说个大概即可。例如:听力中出现了自己没有听懂的一些专有名词,也可以用a kind of +植物/动物代替即可,这样做并不会扣分。




 Token reward system指的是给那些表现好的孩子们,一些奖励让他们继续保持。





 (Sample Note)

 In the lecture the professor talks about token reward system which means to give those children what they want as a reward encourage them to perform their best all the time .The professor takes a group children as an example .To begin with the professor lets the well-behaviored students play on the playground for playing 15 mins but then he found out that ,lots of students like drawing in the room ,so, he changed the method .He gives the well-bahaviored kids a coin which is made of wood and told them to collect the number of coins to exchange other things .If they could collect five coins they will be given some rewards ,like computers ,arts.and this really does work for the kids .





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