
2014-10-14 09:47:57 | 编辑: 无 | 有1508人参与 | 来自: 深圳环球雅思




Task 1


Describe a subject you enjoy studying and explain why. Include details and examples in your explanation.


总体来说这道题的难度还偏简单的。在回答这道题的时候,我们在头脑中风暴的时候可以从以下几方面去思考:第一确定这个subject是什么?为什么这个subject值得你学习?它有哪些不一样的地方?在考试时有些烤鸭们想把自己所想到的点都说完,其实在短暂的45秒内是不可能说完每个细节点的。抓住其中的两个点细说会更好。还要注意句子与句子之间的连接词。最后总结时候避免说:thank you 和see you next time 等词。


Personally speaking , math is a subject that I’m enjoy studying . Cause I enjoy solving problems in a logical way and I can put my math skills into my daily practice. For instance, I remember sitting in front of my desk for three hours when I was a junior high school student,cause I was trying to solve a math problem. It was in fact a fun exercise for me rather than an academic responsibility. After successfully resolving the problem, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Besides, I can use my math skills whenever I go  shopping, such as applying the discounts and calculating the change or
even when I­m managing my personal finances.
Therefore, I have always found learning math so useful and interesting.

Task 2


Some people prefer to outdoors activities while others prefer indoor activities. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your response.




I do think outdoor activities is the one that I prefer for the following reasons .Cause I like playing basketball with my friends in an open basketball court。To begin with , outdoor activities are often more strenuous and so I can exercise my body more. If I stay indoors to do yoga, it probably consumes less energy than playing football . What’s more , many outdoor activities are team sports, which means a team of players work together for the same goal.So I’m more likely to make new friends and develop my interpersonal skills better. Last but not least, you can have more chances to get close with the nature, which means sunshine, fresh air and more space

Task 3



学校打算给creative writing program 增加一个面试的政策:

The woman disagrees:
原因:很多的talker 不完全是作家同时很多的作家还是比较害羞的,不怎么愿意说话。


The university announces that they will add interviews policy to the creative writing program for the students .Due to it gonna help students to develop their expressional capabilities and as well as evaluate students’ work ability as a group . .The woman in the conversation thinks the plan is not worktable . First of all, she thinks that most of the talkers are not always writer and tons of writers are shy to express themselves,also,she mentions that judging a student’s group ability from the interview is not fair . Sometimes even much more worse .She takes herself as an example .Once she was in a writing class did some of the group work ,rarely did everyone talk with each other in the beginning ,but a few week later ,they began to talk and had lot of fun.

Task 4



Token reward system指的是给那些表现好的孩子们,一些奖励让他们继续保持。



In the lecture the professor talks about token reward system which means to give those children what they want as a reward encourage them to perform their best all the time .The professor takes a group children as an example .To begin with the professor lets the well-behaviored students play on the playground for playing 15 mins but then he found out that ,lots of students like drawing in the room ,so, he changed the method .He gives the well-bahaviored kids a coin which is made of wood and told them to collect the number of coins to exchange other things .If they could collect five coins they will be given some rewards ,like computers ,arts.and this really does work for the kids .

Task 5






The woman’s parents gonna pay a visit to her in university but the  problem is that she doesn’t have a room for them to live in . There are two possible solutions .The first one that let her prents to live in a little apartment off her campus just a few step from her campus ,but she has to give up her own bedroom to her parents and sleep in the sofa herself .The second is that to drive to the place where the place is 20 mins away from her campus and the price is also a high cost . If I were her ,I would like to take the first solution .Although she has to give up her own bedroom to her parents and sleep in the sofa ,yet her parents will be happy if she does that,also she has been a college university ,sometimes she has to overcome some difficulties by herself .

Task 6


教授谈论了bird migration preparation


The professor talks about two ways of bird migration preparations .one is that some changes of their bodies another is solitary bird will be becoming social before behavior changes .For example when some birds begin to migrate their body will be different .In order not to stop to have a rest and to save time some birds would eat a lot of food before they ‘re flying and their body will become fatter than before .Another example is that the solitary birds will become much more sociable than before .What they doing this is helping them to avoid unpredictable dangers and will be much safer .


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