
2015-01-04 15:09:56 | 编辑: 无 | 有1524人参与 | 来自: 匿名


阅读部分听力部分阅读部分讲到了一种manhaden的鱼数量减少,政府决定limit the fish harvest of the fishing companies.听力持反对意见,理由如下:1.应该减少一种striped bass的鱼,因为他们主要捕食manhaden. 1.Reduce bass鱼会对整个生态系统造成影响,破坏平衡2.manhaden是protein的来源,减少manhaden对livestock和poultry有影响 2 soybean也可以提供protein,并且更加经济实用3.减少生产会使就业机会减少,也会带来经济问题 3.会带来经济和事业损失,但一段时间后会recover,而如果不采取措施,整个地区会collapse


题目Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for?简析这道题的思路是我们课上已经讲烂掉的题型,毫无疑问有绝对词most的存在,文章肯定是用偏分的写法。Being honest is essential in running a student union, however, there are other factors that draw the same attention.参考思路1. 作为学生会的领导,诚实是必要的,比如在其他成员犯错的时候,如果诚实的指出错误能够提高办事效率,同时也可以让对方处理事情更加谨慎,并不会阻碍其工作。In order to fully support other workmate, directly telling them where the problem is and how to correct it are useful./ being honest to their mistake would not discourage their working performance, but encourage him to work with more cautions.2. 除了诚实,敢于承认自己错误也是一个很重要的品质。Admitting to personal mistakes is a crucial characteristic for a leader, which sets foundation for self-improvement.如果一个人不能勇于承认自己的错误,就无法知道自己的weakness,相反,一个敢于承认错误的领导更具有竞争力competence,领导力leadership,更靠谱reliable3. in addition, how to cooperate with other teammates is also worth noticing, team cooperation is able t improve the efficiency when encountering difficulties.


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