2015-01-04 15:04:17 | 编辑: 无 | 有1686人参与 | 来自: 匿名
考试日期:2014年12月14日 |
Task 1 |
Title: | Many schools require their students to complete at least 40 hours of community service. Do you agree or disagree with this requirement? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. |
参考答案 | 观点 I definitely support this requirement for the following reasons. 理由一 Volunteering is a great way to teacher young people responsibility and values. Although 40 hours might seem like a lot, it just adds up to a few hours each week. By requiring students to complete community service such as nursing or cleaning, they will better understand the needs of their city and learn how to work cooperatively. 理由二 The experience of doing community service helps students to learn about the surroundings. Most of the time students are well protected from the society. This leads to students being detached from social surroundings. However, being engaged in community service could provide them with the chance to be more informed of the outside world. . |
Task 2 |
Title: | Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive a lower score? |
参考答案 | 分情况: 1. 如果迟交作业的原因是生病,那么可以提前告诉老师,申请推迟截止时间,这 种情况下成绩不应该受影响。 I think it depends on the reason for delaying handing in the assignment. If it is because of some unpredictable cause that is beyond one's control, then I think exceptions can be made. For example, if a student gets flu and can hardly get out of bed, the doctor advises him to stay in bed for a few days until he gets better; I think in this situation, the reason given is valid and reasonable. 2.如果因为自己时间安排不妥当而影响交作业进度,理应扣分,以示警告。 However, if a student can't submit his assignment simply because of his poor management of time, then a certain amount of score should be reduced because that would make him realize that late submission carries penalty and he should be careful about it next time. |
Task 3 |
Reading | Listening |
学校的Policy是决定采取措施省电make efforts to reduce energy consumption,换library 的灯,夏天减少开空调, | 对话中女生不同意学校的做法,原因一,节能灯太暗,看不清要自己带台灯。原因二,如果图书馆夏天不开空调很热,学生不会去图书馆学习了而会选择待在寝室,但是寝室太吵,影响学习。 |
Task 4 |
Reading | Listening |
术语是Virtue by association. 解释是人们不是很了解一个人的时候,会通过connect with 自己已知人或组织来判断,但往往是错的。 | Lecture中,Professor 举了一个例子,自己的hometown 要选举mayor. The professor was too busy to learn about the candidates , 所以根据自己所知的认为Mr. John 是一个很适合当市长的人,因为他家在当地well-known, 做了很多Charity 和很有意义的events。而且他妈妈20年前是个很出色的市长,所以有很多市民投给了他。结果Mr. John 当上市长后didn’t perform well and let the voters disappointed. |
Task 5 |
问题: | 男生的问题是写paper经常要打印,但是住处没有打印机,而且离学校又很远,打算自己买一台打印机。 |
解决措施: | 解决方法一,买一台second-hand的打印机,但是可能会有很多问题。解决方法二,买新的,可以用好几年,但是his budget is tight。 |
Task 6 |
Title | 讲了两种情况下动物不会为了食物争夺领土. |
回答思路: | 第一种,一些区域食物分布比较密集,动物没有必要对领土寸步不让,举的例子是sunbird,领地花很多,其他鸟来了不用抢。第二种,领地上的资源太少,动物也不愿意耗费体力去争夺,例子中的鸟来到一个资源不丰富的地方,花很少,所以没有守着这个field 而是飞走了。 |
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