
2014-07-08 16:29:18 | 编辑: 无 | 有1158人参与 | 来自: 匿名











Talk about a gift you gave to someone .Who did you give this gift to ?Why did you give it to this person ?


总体来说这道题的难度还是中等的。在回答这道题的时候,我们在头脑中风暴的时候可以从以下几方面去思考:第一确定这礼物是什么?为什么这个活动值得你给?它有哪些不一样的地方?我们知道在考试时有些烤鸭们想把自己所想到的点都说完,其实在短暂的45秒内是不可能说完每个细节点的。抓住其中的两个点细说,这样比你说的更多的细节会更好。在这里需要强调的是说得清楚比说得快,说什么比如何去说更重要。还要注意句子与句子之间的连接词。最后总结的时候避免说:thank you 和see you next time 等词。

Sample Answer

  The scarf is the gift that I would like to my father for the following reasons .
  I was born and raised in the countryside ,rarely did I realize how important the Fathers’ day is to my father,and I have always been terrible at giving gifts  to others yet I never gave something special to my father before .It was on my fathers’ 48th birthday ,I gave my father the gift .I chose the scarf to my father duo to it’s comfortable and fluffy and its’ of high quality .More importantly ,it helps my father to prevent from cold in the winter .As we all know ,father is the bread-winner of the family .He has to suffer plenty of pressure on his shoulder ,and he never tells others .I remembered ,when I was young ,seldom do I have the chance to see my father because of his office work made his hands full .Whenever I woke up in the morning my father has been away form home .




Do you think it’s easier to be a teacher or a student ?



Sample Answer

I do disagree that to be a teacher is much easier than to be a student . To begin with ,to be a teacher ,it means that you got great pressure than a student .As a teacher S/he should know how to attract student’s attention in class so that they can focus on his class and work efficiently.Take myself as an example.I have been working as a teacher for almost 5 years .Many a time do I have to  answers students questions patiently and after class I gonna spend sometime in good mentoring and teaching methods .Also being willing to share information and ongoing support with my students .Last but not least . As a teacher I should be patient with the students. No matter what kinds of students I’m dealing with, I’m supposed to treat them equally and whole-heartedly  .  






The woman disagrees:

解析(Sample Note)

   The university announces that freshmen year students who are living off campus should move into campus due to the housing prices on campus is much cheaper than living off campus and also living on campus ,students might have more opportunities to practice their Spanish with those students who come from Span .The woman in the conversation thinks the plan is not worktable . First of all, she thinks that living off campus is also very cheap if you spend more time finding local homestay to help you ,and one of her friends found a homestay and it was so cheap still it’s pretty hard for students to find cheaper living houses unless their are looking for it patiently and carefully, otherwise it’s impossible for a student to find such a cheaper house .Also ,she mentions when it come to Spanish ,it useless for them to practice their Spanish .Because the students who are living on campus always speaking English ,hanging out and playing ,rarely do them have time and chance to speak Spanish .






解析(Sample Note)


Sample Answer

The woman has invited a speaker to deliver a speech for the school but the problem is that there’s living room for the speaker to live in .There are two possible solutions .The first one that inviting the speaker to live in the woman’s house but she says that her house is so mess and she doesn’t have time to clean it up within the time .The second is that she is going to take the speaker to the hotel for living but it’s too expensive for her to pay the price and she’s shy to ask the the speaker to par for it .If I were her ,I would like to take the first solution .Although her house is mess ,still she could spend sometime cleaning it with the speaker as the saying goes many hands make the light work .Also ,she is able to talk about something about the speech that the speaker is gonna talk about .




解析(Sample Note)

教授谈论了bat roosting两优点。

Sample Answer

In the lecture the professor describes how bats roosting benefit the survival of  bas.As we al know that the bats usually live on a higher place just like cave trees but they can’t fly higher just birds.One way for them doing this is that it help animals to focus on things with accurately to catch insects and other birds and it’s easier for them to find some others insects .Another benefit is that by using this method they will prevent other animals catching them just like snakes’s attack .especially when they are sleeping .Because they can’t protect themselves while they are sleeping .By lying on the higher places enable them to get away from snakes and have a good sleep .


我们知道在第六题中我们通常会遇到一些专业词汇,一些学生通常对于听力中出现的一些专业术语的发音感到不知所措,甚至是不会说,其实很简单只要相对应的说个大概即可。例如:听力中出现了自己没有听懂的一些专有名词,也可以用a kind of +植物/动物代替即可,这样做并不会扣分。





教授拿在学校画画的小朋友为例子。小朋友们喜欢画画但是每次画完画都会把画笔弄得很乱,为了避免这种情况不再发生老师决定把画笔放在一个Plastic bin 里面。

解析(Sample Note)

In the lecture the professor talks about responding effort about kid’s drawing at school .Researcher did an experiment to test kid’s responding effort .Some kids in school are good at drawing and they would like to choose all sorts of crayons,but the teacher put all the crayons in a box and asks the students to put all the crayons in the same place as ever after they cleaning them up .but on the contrary ,the kids leave all the crayons on the table and floor due to the inconveniences of getting the crayons from the box ,then the teacher changed his way of doing it .The reacher then put the crayons in a plastic bin and then asked the kids to put the crayons back after they using them ,to the teacher’s surprise ,all the crayons are put in a good order after kids’ cleaning them .




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