
2014-12-24 11:02:27 | 编辑: 无 | 有1398人参与 | 来自: 匿名


 提到 3 个减小 coal burning 的污染:提高反应效率,加压或者升温。所以在 long run上来看可以减少污染。
 1. 反驳说人口增长都有 30%,你提高碳的燃烧率才 10%。
 2. 用水冲洗煤炭,除掉硫化物就不用有二氧化硫污染环境. 但听力反驳说这只是把硫化物转移到水系统,会污染河流和湖泊。
 3. 收集燃烧时排出的二氧化碳。教授反对说现在收集二氧化碳的技术还未成熟,而且一旦泄露会污染环境。
 鹿的角。 (antler)
 1. 里面有 vessel,就是有血液循环,可以帮助散热。
 3.会用来表示自己的 dominance 的身份。
 1.不是用来散热的。 因为有的鹿夏末也会长出角。 甚至有的冬天长出来。 冬天又不要散热的。而且有的热的地方,鹿角小,冷的地方,鹿角大。
 2.一般都是母鹿保护小鹿。 可是母鹿不长角的。 另外有证据表明 他们的主要 predator 是狼,可是狼有被鹿 kicking 的痕迹。
 3.两个鹿一般都是走来走去,叫几声,失败的就走,来占领 dominance 的身份。而不是角。何况好几次都是角大的鹿逃走的。
 Great Zimbabwe 的作用,文章提供三个传统解释,教授一一驳斥
 1、谷仓 因为养 cattle 需要 garbage
 2、gold minging place 周边发现很多 golden mining sites
 3、astronomical observatory 提到 伦敦的巨石阵 Stonehenge,说是跟巨石阵一样的功
 能lecture 反驳根据一些 modern discoveries
 1、外表看起来像 garbage,inside 只有 2 small room, morever, no grain found there
 2、radiation carbon finds that towers and wall were built before the golden minings,也就是说 build towers and wall 时候人们不知道有 gold
 3、angles and distance between the towers not designed to comit particular observatory tasks of the stars and so on
 Chocoas(ancient people stem from US)had no system to write, so there is no
 records about how the roads were built.There are three possible reasons for that.
 1.move people and commercials
 2.for regional faction like ceremony, because a North Road 有一段很长的南北方向的路。可能因为人们认为他们的神会通过路找到他们
 3.escaping way for their troops when the enemies came listening:the professor challenged the ideas from the reading
 1.there were no vehicle and animals to move commercials, so the only way is on
 foot. But 10 meters wide road is too wide for that.
 2.虽然有这样的路,但是没法确认 their belief was the same with local people(没听
 清是现在当地人,还是当时什么地方的人) 。
 3.They had enough garding for the road,没必要逃跑.besides the road was used
 not only by the Chocoas people but also by the enemies. 有没有证据没听到
 only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching
 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should spend
 more money on improving facilities (eg. labs and general equipment) than on hiring
 famous professors.
 Young people nowadays are more likely to make time and efforts to improve the world
 than young people in the past
 celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people.
 It is important to have rules about types of clothing that people are allowed to wear to work and school.
 in the past people are more friendly than that today


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