
2014-02-12 12:23:01 | 编辑: 无 | 有1962人参与 | 来自: 匿名



1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for abusiness to succeed,

it must put more money in advertising.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can solveimportant

problems by themselves or with the helpfrom their family members so there’s no need for

the government to help them.  

有些人觉得他们可以靠自己或者家人的帮助,解决important problems.因此,人们不需







Can people solve all problems by themselvesand have no need to ask help from government?

Some people argue that people can get helpfrom their family members. However, as far as I

am concerned, there are some importantproblems individuals cannot solve by themselves

and government’s help is necessary.

First and foremost, when people get hurtfrom other people or organizations, we need laws to

protect our legitimate rights andinterests. For example, if we are cheated by others or if we

buy fake goods, it will be useless for usto ask those bad guys to return the money back. The

best and the only measure we can take is toissue them. Government has many powers that

individuals never have. A lot of problemsare too complicated for individuals to deal with.  

In addition, even if individuals can solvesome problems on their own, with the help of

government, they can solve the sameproblems better. For example, my neighbor Mr. Lee’s

father was diagnosed of cancer last year.In order to save his father’s life, he used up all of his

money. Even if he worked harder than ever,his family’s life was still rough. Nevertheless,

after the government granted him a loan, hecould afford the expenses of his father and the

family now. It is really a relief for him.The money is just piece of cake for government while

for Mr. Lee it can save his father’s lifeand the whole family.  

Last but not least, some issues areimportant to everyone, but nobody wants to deal with them.

The public transportation and roads, forinstance, offer everyone convenience. Nonetheless,

nobody wants to cost money to build roadsbecause they could hardly profit from it and

prevent others to benefit from it. Onlygovernment can handle these kinds of issues. Public

health is another example to illustratethis point. When facing virus such as flu, individuals

are vulnerable if government takes nothingto prevent the epidemic situation.

To sum up, People cannot solve importantproblems by themselves or with the help from

their family members so it is necessary forthe government to help them. (362)

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order tocelebrate major events,

it’s better to organize a big party withlots of people than to have a small party where only

close friends and relatives areinvited.(110122CN=091113NA)

In people’s life, there are many majorevents, like the graduating party, the wedding

ceremony, the baby shower and so on. Whenit comes to celebrating these major events,

some people assert that it is better toorganize big parties with lots of people than to have a

small party that only close friends andrelatives are invited. However, based on an overall

consideration of various factors, I cannotagree with this statement.

It is undeniable that throwing a party thata lot of people attend is interesting and fun for

some people who prefer active environments.This kind of people are usually outgoing,

talkative and sophisticated. For them,holding a big party provides them with an opportunity

to let others share their happiness andmake more friends. They can be enabled to get to

know new friends and gradually become closewith the new friends. In this way, their social

networks are expanded and they can get helpfrom the extensive friends. For instance, if a

man invites plenty of people to his weddingceremony, his love and marriage can be

witnessed by a large number of people.Moreover, he can even make new friends through his

current friends, and thus enlarging hissocial circle.

However, organizing big parties with lotsof people is not beneficial and even can bring some

negative effects to some people, such ascelebrities. As is known to all that famous people

like movie stars seldom have any privacydue to the fact that the public pay too much

attention to their work and life. They arefollowed by entertainment reporters almost any time

and anywhere they go which really upsetthem. In such cases, it is preferable for them to

have a small party that only close friendsand relatives are invited because the less people

there are, the less likely that theirprivacy is exposed to the public. By doing so, they can feel

more comfortable and relaxed. And thisphenomenon is actually commonly seen among

famous actors.

From the analysis above, I cannot stand onthe side that it is better to organize a big party  

with lots of people than have a small partythat only close friends and relatives are invited

when celebrating main events for the factthat it depends on the features of the hosts.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching isharder than it was in

the past.  

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schoolsis the most

important factor for the successfuldevelopment of a country.  

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better totake a secure job

with a low pay than to take a job with ahigh pay but is easy to lose.

Job is an essential part of our normal lifeand it is a perpetual topic that is argued by any part

of society in any decade. Recently, it isheatedly discussed that people should choose a steady

job or a high salary but unsteady one.Different people have different ideas. Some people

prefer a steady job, because they feel atease need to worry about losing it. The others hold

the opinion that choosing a high salariesis much better, even though it is easy to lose. As for

as I am concerned, I don't think the formerjob is better than the latter one.

It is undeniable that a steady job is goodfor people to have a peace life. They just do what

they need to do. Though the salary is notas much as an unsteady one , they are still satisfied

with it. Because as we know some peopledon't want to experience much ,all they need is to

live happy and without any accidents.Therefore, a steady job is really a good choice.

Especially for the people who are notqualified or skillful or the people who are not very

ambitious. Maybe a steady job is muchsuitable for them.

Nevertheless, though a steady job has itsadvantage, I still think a high salary job which is

easy to lose is a better choice. For thefirst reason, a high salary job can help people enjoy

their life better. If they have more moneythey can make sure their children receive a good

education, it will be benefit for thechildren' s future. people who choose a high salaries job

also can guarantee their old parentsreceive a better medical treatment. They can buy big

houses, expensive cars and so on .Second,this kind of jobs are likely to be those that are

different to deal with. Therefore, the jobmust be a challenge for the people who choose it.

Not only can gain more money, but also helppeople have an opportunity to improve

themselves. Especially for the people who areeager to challenge themselves and full of

ambitions. They don't fear to lose the job,they just cherish the experience.

In a word, I firmly believe that a steadyjob is better than a high salary job which is easy to

lose ,because it depends on what kind ofthe job the people like and what kind of life they

want to live.

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Do you agree ordisagree with  

the following statement? People who havelearned many different skills are more likely

to succeed than those who focus on learningonly one skill.

8. Should the government support artists or should artists supportthemselves?

Works of arts can do people much good likeoffering us visual pleasure and nurturing our

mind. However, the creation of the artusually cost a lot of money and the problem of who

should fund artists has triggered a debateamong  the public. Some people claim thatthe

government should support artistsfinancially, while others hold that artists should support

themselves. I personally believe both thegovernment and artists themselves should be

responsible for the support.  

The government should give artistsfinancial assistance because it is capable of offering the

help and artists contribute a lot to thesociety. Every citizen has to pay taxes to the

government, which is quite a large sum ofmoney. Taxes come from citizens and are

supposed to be used for citizens. In otherwords, the government should not only subsidize

schools and hospitals which directlybenefit citizens and but also subsidize those who

contribute to the society indirectly.Artists like painters create great works. When these

works are done, they are not just used asvisual feasts, they also enable us to learn

something about the creator’s thoughts. Forinstance, when you appreciate Van Gogh’s

series of Sunflowers paintings, you willfind that the paintings are not just paintings. They

reflect something about the author. Thelife span of sun flowers are relatively short, just like

Van Gogh, who died at s young age. However,the color of sun flowers is very bright, which

conveys a positive thought. His worksinspired many people.  

Van Gogh’s death can be partly attributedto his poverty. Had the government given him

some support, he might have lived longerand created more masterpieces.  

However, artists also have theresponsibility to support themselves. For one thing, there are

so many artists now and if the governmentsupports all of them, it would be such great

financial burden. The government could usethe money for more meaningful fields like

education and medicine. For another, someartists are able to make plenty of money and

they do not need extra government support.It was reported that some artists’ work worth

hundreds and thousands of dollars. If thegovernment gives those successful artists

financial support, it would be a greatloss.  

From what I have discussed above, we cansee that the government should support some

talented artists whose careers are notprosperous. Nevertheless, for some artists who are

already living a good life, they cansupport themselves.

9. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. a. joining a sports

team, b. participate in communityactivities, c. traveling


It is probably true that we have hundredsor even thousands of acquaintances, but not all

of them can be considered to be ourfriends. With or without our full awareness, friends

must share a great portion of ourcharacter, our beliefs and our interests. An activity that

can help you make new friends surelyenables you to form a better understanding of other

people and vice versa. Thus, joining asports team would be my first choice.

To begin with, certain type of sportattracts people with certain character. Therefore your

chance of meeting a potential friend whiledoing it is high. For instance, people who love

Snooker are normally calm and steady;People who find themselves passionate for fishing

must enjoy the long waiting before thethrilling bite; And rock-climbers are usually strong

both physically and psychologically. If youlike this type of sport, you might like the person

who shares your interest as well.    

In addition, sports provide us a goal tofight for. Hence they build up a precious experience

for the participants, which is essentialfor long-lasting friendship. I used to be in the

basketball team of our high school and Iplayed as the guard. Although it was almost five

years ago, I can still remember all theexiting moments when we won and the tears after we

lost the final.  They are so vivid as if they just happenedyesterday. And although our team

members went to different universities, westill keep in touch with each other and hang out

together from time to time. Every time weget reunited, these important memories always

give us the feeling that we have never beenapart.

Furthermore, sports can help reveal thedeep truth of  someone. Friendshipinnately

embodies a profound understanding that eachfriend has for the other. Undeniably, we

more or less put on some make-up on ourpersonality, for we all want other people to like

us. But those moments under high pressureor choices involving loss and gain will inevitably

reveal who we really are and what we trulybelieve. And such moments or choices are

never rare in sports. Would you cheat towin a game or rather loss it honestly? If your

fellow player has more chance than you toaccomplish a goal, will you pass the ball to him

or her? These situations always tell. As aresult, we can always see friendship built or


To conclude, joining a sports team may neverfail your expectation to make some new

friends. It brings people together andaccelerates the process of understanding each other.

If you don’t have a favorite sport yet, dosome research to find one. If you already have

your answer, join a team and meet some newfellows there, maybe your best friend to be

has already been awaiting(475).

10. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Teachers had a greater influence

on young people in the past than they dotoday.

11. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? In 20 years from now on, students will not use printedbooks any more .

12. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Getting advice from friends who

are older than you is more valuable thangetting advice from friends of your own age.

13. As life becomes more complex, it is essential for young people to havethe ability to plan

and organize.  

14. In order to attract good students,many university spent a lot of money in society activities,  

do you agree or disagree

15. Do you agree or disagree with thestatement:  If others (or employer) don’tknow your strength and accomplishment, you will never success in life.


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